Career Services

How Important Is Career Services?
Simply put, it is a key reason so many ATS graduates successfully achieve employment in the industry for which they were trained. The Career Services Department provides students and graduates from ATS with tools, resources, and assistance that are invaluable in making the dream of being a heavy equipment operator, crane operator, or commercial truck driver a reality!
The Career Services Department provides:
Job Leads Database
All ATS graduates are provided access to our Job Leads Database which contains the name and contact information for THOUSANDS of potential employers. The Career Services Department continually adds new potential employers throughout the country and places them into the Job Leads Database.
For ATS graduates, these prospective employers are then searchable by occupation and location. This allows the student to search for and locate employers in specific geographical locations throughout the United States and begin the job application process.
Career Services Website
The ATS employer database includes thousands employers and job postings nationwide. Access to this website and database is a free service to all ATS graduates. The ATS Career Services website allows a graduate to search these employers by location and job description. This website is also used by hundreds of employers to search out ATS graduates and make contact directly with the graduate.
Career Counseling
Career Services begins working personally with students during the first week of training. Each student is given an entrance interview to determine their industries of interest and career goals, along with the geographical area they will be seeking employment. Career Services then provides each student with a packet containing a list of potential employers in their target area, along with other helpful documentation concerning their training and skills.
Need help in your job search? Career Services is available five days per week as a resource to all students and graduates who need assistance in their employment search. Furthermore, we will follow up with the graduate to provide any necessary continued assistance.