Page 4 - ATS Brochure
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Employment Opportunities Employer Database
All ATS graduates are provided access to our Job Leads
Heavy equipment operators, mobile crane operators, and truck Database which contains the name and contact information
drivers have always been some of the most stable and well for thousands of employers nationally. The Career Services
paying occupations in America. People depend on these skilled Department continually adds new potential employers
professionals for much of what it takes to build and maintain our throughout the country and enters them into this database.
highways, roads, bridges, buildings, housing and public lands.
Career Services Website
Career Services All ATS graduates have free unlimited access to website. This website
ATS provides the tools, resources, and assistance that are allows students to post their resume which may be viewed by
invaluable in making the dream of being a heavy equipment prospective employers, and allows prospective employers to
operator, crane operator, or commercial truck driver a reality. post their job openings which are searchable by ATS graduates.
Our Career Services personnel have over 50 years of experience
helping people ?nd jobs in the following industries: Soft Skills Training
While in school, students will receive training in skills essential
• Road & Bridge Construction to ?nding a job. These skills include employment application
• Public & Private Utilities procedures, interviewing techniques, networking methods, and
• Sewer & Water Works more. ATS personnel have years of industry experience, many
• Oil, Gas & Energy Industries as foreman, superintendents, and small business owners.
• City, County, State, & Federal Governments They know what it takes to ?nd a job and they pass on the
• Commercial & Residential Construction valuable lessons they’ve learned both working and hiring in
• Mining, Sand & Gravel the industry.
• Forestry & Public Land Management
Information subject to change without notice.
ATS provides its students and graduates with the following
services designed to help our customers ?nd employment:
Employment Assistance
ATS works personally with each student during training and
then provides each student with a list of potential employers
in their local area. Many graduates will go to work for the
company they have targeted all along.
Construction Equipment Operators
2015 MEDIAN PAY: $44,600 per year | $21.44 per hour
JOB OUTLOOK, 2012-22: 19% (Faster than average)
EMPLOYMENT CHANGE, 2012-22: 78,200
Over ?fty years, ?fty acres, ?fty pieces of equipment, and ?fty personnel on hand.